I am so happy you’re here friend!

It has been a minute since I wrote a blog post! What a past few years it has been for all of us.

You might be here because you’ve attended a past in person event, attended my book tour, bought jewelry or merch from when we were doing that, or you signed up for something I’ve given away through email along the way. Whatever the reason, I’m happy you’re here.

I also honor your time reading this. So let me get you up to speed on what’s going on so you can decide if you want to be a part of it! In 2020, we stopped all in person events, and probably like you, we went through some really hard personal times, and felt a bit overwhelmed along the way.

In trying to heal through my own grief from all the loss and unexpected changes life brought us personally, and the world as a whole, I decided to go back to school and get my Masters of Science in Mental Health and Wellness with an emphasis in grief and bereavement. I’m a grief expert now, I know, nothing screams I’m fun, invite me to your next girl’s night like being an expert in the one thing nobody wants to talk about, but here I am 😉 

Oh ya, that smiling face with me is my baby girl. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve seen her jolly little soul, but if not, I now have a one year old! After years of not knowing if we’d be able to get her here, Annie Rae came in May of last year and brought all of the love and joy with her.

Over the last 2 years, my new book I Am Here, and the companion journal Clarity Mapping, released, and thousands of you around the world have stepped in to uncovering the freedom and clarity that doing the work of healing brings.

Which leads us to today. PHEW, if you’re still reading, thanks for being on this journey! I’ve heard from thousands of you that life feels different right now, and you’re trying to figure out where you fit into it, what you want for your life, and take care of your people while you feel burnt out. I hear you, and I want you to know it’s not your fault.

I also want you to know that I’ve been working hard to create a beautiful offering that I think is going to give help, community, and peace to a lot of us. So, if you would like to stay with me on this journey, you’re in the right place!

Either way, your story isn’t over yet. I’m rooting for you.

Talk soon & shine on,

Ashley Le Mieux

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your story isn't over yet

Ashley Le Mieux



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