I’m so excited about our girl chats via this blog. Something about it just feels so much more personal than social media- I feel like I’m messaging with my best friends!
I’m not a really fluffy person, so let’s just get right to the announcement, shall we? 🙂 In 2021 I went back to school to get my Masters in Mental Health and Wellness with an emphasis in Grief and Bereavement, so that I could provide the best and most healing resources to this community. I had big plans of what that looked like, and then, luckily and thankfully, my greater wish of getting pregnant came true so everything else got put to the side while we gave everything to getting our baby girl safely here, and then soaking up newborn life.
The last few months, I took a real honest inventory of where I was spending my time with work, and it was so loud and clear that some things needed to go so that I could make room again for why I went back to school in the first place.
If you are a part of our IG community, you’ve probably seen me in LA over the course of the last few months. I go for just 10 hours at a time, since I’m not ready to leave my baby girl over night yet!

I’m SO excited to announce…
That a workshop, an incredibly powerful masterclass, and a monthly membership are almost ready for us to dive into together, to create deeper meaning, healing, and community in our daily lives. I feel like all of the work that I’ve done, and all of the life lessons I’ve learned along the way, have lead to this next step. I AM SO EXCITED to dive deeper into this work of inviting peace and healing in.
You deserve it.
I probably should stop there, but I’m too giddy about it 🙈, so I also need to tell you that there will be exclusive high level retreats coming as well. My soul is jumping out of my chest, I am so excited about all of it!
It’s been so important for me to get still, and listen to what I really want to be doing at this point in my life, and I know that the noise can make it hard sometimes to see a clear path forward. I wanted to share my Daily List with you, for you to download and print out, to help keep yourself clear, organized, and maybe find some things that you want to drop out of your life right now. It’s the first step towards building a life that feels in alignment with what you want, and what is waiting for you.
Alright friends, until next time!