45. Ways to use social media to benefit your mental health (+ BTS of being an “influencer”)

May 21, 2024

We’ve got to take our power back from the hungry machine of social media. Whether you are also an entrepreneur and run your businesses online or you’re there to find community I know how these platforms can lead to burnout and joy sucking comparison. In this episode, my husband Mike and I pull back the […]

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It’s been a rough week! My whole family got the stomach flu and I ended up having to cancel some major (like seriously BIG) guest interviews I had lined up in New York City. As I’ve felt down because of literally being sick, changing diarrhea diapers, and having lost money on top of missing out […]

44. How can I get my fire back when life knocks me down? (Answering YOUR questions!)

May 14, 2024

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43. How Can I Handle My Grief During Mother’s Day?

May 7, 2024

Mother’s Day can be a difficult time for so many, especially for those who have experienced pregnancy loss, infant loss, or infertility. With this holiday coming up I did a live Mother’s Day grief support night and it was so powerful I wanted to share it with you. We’ll explore different types of grief and […]

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I lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in my business during one of the most challenging times of my life. If you’ve listened to this podcast, especially episode one, you’ve heard our personal story and some of the challenges I’ve faced. In this episode, I’m sharing some of the biggest challenges and mistakes I’ve had […]

42. How I lost almost half a MILLION DOLLARS as an entrepreneur and what I did about it

April 30, 2024

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41. How Do I Protect My Peace? With Ashley and Mike Lemieux

April 23, 2024

How do I make the peace I desire to feel – my reality? Mike and I have had something odd and creepy threatening our peace over the last few months, and in this episode we’re sharing actionable tips to protect your peace, set boundaries, and reclaim your peace if you’ve lost it. We also share […]

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There are 4 main reasons you may feel stuck right now and have lost your spark for life. We all experience these things and Mike and I are here to share some studies and personal experiences that have helped us overcome these 4 things that keep us stuck. We share how decluttering our minds has […]

What can I do to spark joy and find myself again?

April 16, 2024

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39. How Can I Stay Positive and Happy Through Adversity?

April 9, 2024

My nephew Izzy is on the podcast and I have been so excited to interview him on the show for months! Get ready to be inspired by his incredible story. Izzy shares his journey fleeing violence in Burundi, Africa when he was 14 years old, to learning English as a new language here in America. […]

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Get ready to hear some miracles along the road less traveled. While I was in Hawaii I was able to record this chat with Amber Bodily and I know you’re going to feel inspired by her story of healing herself and her children through naturopathic treatments like foot zoning. Amber shares the diagnoses’ her son’s […]

38. When life knocks you down, how do you find the strength to explore new paths?

April 2, 2024

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37. How do I dream again after tragedy and loss? with Richie Norton

March 26, 2024

Richie has the most incredible story of resilience after experiencing so much loss and tragedy. But he also gave us all so many practical tools for navigating grief, finding meaning, and moving forward with our lives even when things don’t go as planned. Richie has a gift for distilling big ideas into simple actions anyone […]

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I am more excited about this episode than any other episode I’ve done so far! I just ended a few days of connection with so many incredible women all over the world on my webinars I did this week and I’m here to share 2 things that were the favorites from the women who joined […]

36. What Would Me 30 Years From Now Hope For Me Today?

March 19, 2024

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your story isn't over yet

Ashley Le Mieux



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